In the Combat entry, we talked about how different weapons would correlate to different enemy types' weaknesses, but now let's talk about character progression itself. In Sword Hero, "classes" won't be present in their classical meaning, but they would be rather present as upgradeable, customisable Armor sets you can switch at will each with their own characteristics.
In the world you will be able to find very rare "Shards" you can use back in your base to either Upgrade the tier of one of your Armors, or add a piece of armor to the selected set, to cover more area of your body. You can select any bodypart - If you notice your Sword arm getting wounded most of the time, it is a wise decision to put armor on that Arm first, etc. Though each armor piece can only block a set number of hits before shattering and needing maintenance at your base.
As an example, let's take two early Armor sets:
"Stalker"- A slim leather armor, allowing for quick and precise movements.
Base ability: Become stealthed when crouching in Tall Grass.
First Upgrade: Enable stealth kills using a Dagger on unaware enemies.
"Shell" - A crude iron armor, granting increased safety in exchange for mobility.
Base ability: Armor pieces block +1 attack before shattering.
First Upgrade: Falling on "small" enemies will instantly kill them.
There will be separate upgrade trees for each Armor, these are just the first upgrades.